Thompson's Island Visitors Information Center has opened for the season. Southwest Harbor & Tremont Chamber of Commerce is of course a member or the Regional Chambers which oversees operations there. This gives our own members access to the advertising services at very reasonable prices.
Many of you use the services already and we'd like encourage more of you to do so. Bill and his staff and the Park staff do a good job of serving the entire Acadia Region. When day trippers and new visitors looking for accommodations learn about the opportunities on the Quietside of Acadia they are more likely to make the decision to come here.
It would be particularly nice to see more of our restaurants represented at Thompson's Island. Speaking from experience in our local information center, visitors are interested in looking at menus as well as excursions and activities brochures.
Please bring our local office copies of your most recent menus and if you are not already advertising at Thompson's Island please consider doing so. You should have recently received an offer to advertise in the mail.
Questions, call Kristin 244-9687.