The Woodlawn Museum & Seal Cove Auto Museum
invite you to celebrate the opening of a new season.
Opening Reception
Seal Cove Auto Museum
1414 Tremont Rd, Seal Cove
Tuesday, May 9, 5pm - 7pm
Enjoy wine, hors d'oeuvres, and some social time with your fellow businesses in the tourism industry before the season gets too crazy!Seal Cove Auto Museum
1414 Tremont Rd, Seal Cove
Tuesday, May 9, 5pm - 7pm
This is your chance to see the spectacular Brass Era antique auto collection and Auto Wars exhibit for free, learn about the Auto Museum and Woodlawn Museum, and hear about what each museum has planned for the upcoming season. In addition, you will find out more about the partnership between these two history museums.
We look forward to seeing you!
Please RSVP to hrowan@sealcoveautomuseum.org
You may call (207) 244-9242 for more information.