Giva Frashier and Phil just received an advance copy of Bogey, the Golf Bug.Its a poem about a nine hole golfing adventure by Birdie and Scratch as told by Bogey. Giva wrote the poem, and Phil Illustrating it was a Maine winter project for Phil. It will be marketed in Barnes and Noble Book Stores and will be available on Amazon.com mid-August.
He is finally getting On the Edge a play performed this month at The Neighborhood House in Northeast Harbor, ME. It is written by Eva Murray, with paintings by Phil. The story is told by actor Denis Damon, playing the part of a lobster man who lives on one of the offshore islands of Maine. At pesent there are only 15 remaining all year communities. Music is composed and song by Schooner Fare, very popular New England musicians.
The show is being televised by Dobbs Productions for a segment of documentry to be aired on National Public Television next year. Our next e-mail will be in greater depth about On the Edge.
Our next show in the gallery titled " Murder Inc. will feature paintings and sculpture by past exhibitors and two new artists. The show will be from August 4th through August 17th. There will be a reception to meet the artist at 5:00 PM on Tuesday the 6th . Phil's son Eric will exhibit an extraordinary photo of a crow in our apple tree at our Maine home.
These are our new artists:
For more information about Phil's art activities
You will see some new information and new images being offered for purchase.
When you see a painting you would like to have please call me, Joan, at772-465-8322, or 772-489-1156., summer and winter. Gallery phone number is 207-244-5918
New Workshops:
Phil is teaching one morning a week at The Salty Dog Gallery in Southwest Harbor this September, every Wednesday from 9/12.
Call or e-mail me for more information. 772-489-1156 or 207-244-5918
Phil and author/playwright Eva Murray have just completed a new book and play titled " On the Edge". The plan is to air it on public television next summer and to do a televised live performance in The Neighborhood House, Northeast Harbor, August 30th and 31st, at 8:00 PM........
For Salty Dog information, please contact me by e-mail or phone.
e-mail: philsteelartist@gmail.com
Thanks for taking your time to read about our world of art. We value your patronage and input..