Acadia National Park, Free Training Opportunities
We are offering two training sessions for businesses in town that might have new folks coming to work this summer who might not be familiar with the park or the island.
June 3
5:30-7:30 pm
Sieur de Monts Spring
Rain or shine
No registration is necessary. Free of charge. Bring insect repellent!
This session will cover simple birding, beavers, hiking, botany (Wild Gardens), Native Americans, and history. Short walks doable in less than 15 minutes will be pointed out.
June 24
5:30-8:00 pm
Park Loop Road tour, including Cadillac Mt.
Meet at Oli's Trolley on West Street in Bar Harbor
Free of charge
This tour will cover peregrine falcons, geology, biking, hiking, animals, carriage roads, and trail history. There are only 19 spots available on the trolley, so please reply to me to reserve a seat ASAP.
May be cancelled if the weather doesn't cooperate. Call 288-3338 before 4:30 that day if you have doubts!
Hope to see you or your employees at either or both of these!
Wanda Moran
Park Ranger
Acadia National Park