Thursday, May 29, 2014

WELCOME to new Chamber member MDI Community Sailing Center!

WELCOME to new Chamber member MDI Community Sailing Center!
The MDI Community Sailing Center (MDICSC) is an independent non-profit organization located on Clark Point Road in Southwest Harbor, Maine. It offers maritime education and boating instruction to the general public of Mount Desert Island and surrounding coastal communities. MDICSC has become an important part of the lives of many people. It is more than just a place to sail. Since 1996 it has grown to become somewhat of a social club. It is a meeting place for both youth and adults to share their love of the ocean, the coast, and the pleasures of boating. Many of the 200 plus youth who utilize the facility each spring, summer, and fall would be at a loss without this affordable, healthy environment in which to interact.
The MDI Community Sailing Center has been a part of our community for many years. You can read about their history here:
You can visit or contact the MDI Community Sailing Center at:

168 Clark Point Road
P.O. Box 116
Southwest Harbor
Maine 04679
207 244 7905

And be sure to like them on Facebook!