Tuesday, September 3, 2013

From the Maine State Camber of Commerce to all Acadia Camber Members

HI Everyone.
We received this press release from the Unemployment Reform Blue Ribbon Commission outlining the Public Hearing that will be held on Thursday, September 12, from 1:00 - 7:00 PM in Room 202 in the Cross Office Building in Augusta.  This an important opportunity for businesses to tell the Commission the employer side of the Unemployment Insurance issue.  This may be the only opportunity businesses have to do so.  Please note the public hearing goes until 7:00 p.m.  If you have any questions regarding testimony or written comment, please contact Peter Gore at 623-4568 x107 or pgore@mainechamber.org . 

From: Martin, Chase S [mailto:Chase.S.Martin@maine.gov] Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 11:08 AMTo: OPMSubject: Public Hearing to be held for the Unemployment Reform Blue Ribbon Commission

Please note the change in location and time from the previous release.
For Immediate Release: Thursday, August 29, 2013
Contact: Chase Martin, Staff (207) 287-2874

Public Hearing to be held for the Unemployment Reform Blue Ribbon Commission
AUGUSTA – Unemployment Reform Blue Ribbon Commission co-chairs Daniel E. Wathen and George M. Jabar, II. announced today that a public hearing will be held on Thursday, September 12, from 1:00 – 7:00 PM in Room 202 in the Cross Office Building in Augusta.
“Not everyone can take a day off from work and drive to Augusta,” the former Chief Justice of the Maine Supreme Court, Daniel Wathen said. “The Commission is looking forward to hearing from all sides of this ongoing discussion and that is why we’ve decided to extend the hours of the public hearing.”
The Unemployment Reform Blue Ribbon Commission, which includes employer representatives David Walck and Shawn Anderson, as well as employee representatives Kristin Aiello and Christine Hastedt, has been meeting with representatives at the Maine Department of Labor and the Bureau of Unemployment Compensation over the last two months leading up to the public hearing.
The Commission has also been reviewing hundreds of claims made through the Bureau of Unemployment Compensation in order to examine the consistency and objectivity of the unemployment adjudication process.

Anyone interested in testifying before the Commission must sign up upon arrival, and will be given 3 minutes to speak.  This requirement will help to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to testify before the Commission.  If anyone wishes to provide written testimony to the Commission, they are asked to bring 7 copies. A written copy of the testimony is not required.

If anyone is unable to attend the hearing and wishes to submit testimony, they may do so by sending a physical copy to 181 State House Station, Augusta ME, 04333-0181 or via email to unemploymentbrc@outlook.com. The commission will receive and review submissions for 7 days following the hearing.


Chase S. Martin
Management Analyst
Governor’s Office of Policy and Management
181 State House Station
Augusta, Me 04333-0181
(207) 287-2874