Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Welcome to our new Chamber Member Great Cranberry Island Historical Society!

Please join us in welcoming Great Cranberry Island Historical Society to the Chamber. GCIHS runs a beautiful museum on gorgeous Cranberry Island - as they declare proudly, "It's worth the trip"!
"The Great Cranberry Island Historical Society (GCIHS) collects, preserves and studies the history and genealogy of Great Cranberry and its neighboring islands, and presents diverse cultural and educational programs.The GCIHS promotes a strong sense of community through its museum, archives, cafe, and lively arts center in the Cranberry House. The grounds also include a public trail to the shore, three gardens, and Sammy Sanford’s Cabin. Every day during the summer, a free shuttle carries visitors from the town dock down the length of the island and back."
Check them out at: https://www.gcihs.org/ and when you get a chance to visit, stop in and say "welcome"!