Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Data Mapping Services

As many as 20% of business listings on web based map sites and services are inaccurate, says [Chamber member] Jim LeClair who would like to help you fix this problem.  Jim and his wife, Patti own and operate the Maine Coast Welcome Center in Belfast and Jim has also made himself expert in correcting inaccurate internet information about your business's location, description, telephone number etc.

Have you had a customer complain that directions to your business were incorrect?  Have you found the wrong telephone number listed on a webpage and not known how to fix it?  Jim can help.

Jim, who visited the Chamber board at our regular meeting on Wednesday, July 3, shared his Top 10 Data Mapping Benefits List.  He would like to return in the fall to share his expertise with Quietside businesses.  The Board recommends that you consider his offer.  We propose to invite him back sometime in the fall, either late September or right after Oktoberfest.

For more information on this topic, please visit Jim's webpage here: where you'll find a good article from the Bangor Daily News, Jim's list and other stuff.

David Lloyd (Seawall Motel) who has long used Jim's expertise, attended the Board meeting to support Jim's presentation.  David says you are welcome to contact him with your questions.